Tuesday, May 22, 2012

31 Things - First 5 Days/Things

Since being home full-time one of the first things I realized was that I'd neglected my creative side for a long time. I looked around  to see what my friends were doing and discovered and started following several blogs. Ali Edwards is one of those blogs that I like to follow. She offers classes periodically . I'm already signed up for her One Little Word class which helps me to dig deeper into my 2012 word (RENEW). Ali is offering a new class called 31 Things. Each day I get a prompt and then a break down of this prompt in the form of questions to help me flush out how this word plays out in my daily life. I write down my thoughts and then take a picture to help conceptualize that word in my every day surroundings. I'm having so much fun with this project and keeping up with it...that's a miracle! Here's a picture of all the pages I've done so far:
First day was about Jewelry and I titled mine 2 Rings. Fancy Watch. Fisherman's Bracelet and 1 Sapphire Stud Earring.
Morning and Read were the prompts for Days 2 and 3. I enjoyed writing about my morning routine which is so different now that I'm home. I love to read so it was interesting to think about all the different things that I read and how I read them.
Days 4 and 5 got a little more complicated. We were asked to think about the word spirit for Day 4. I decided to include this scripture "For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24 (NLT) I liked to write about the ways that God's Spirit is evident in my daily life. I also used a download image from my friend Angela Moore's blog. Day 5 was conversation. Haha...I love to talk so this one was so much fun. I decided to take a who, what, when, where type of approach:
  • Who: Maddie, Debbie, Chelsea, Emily, Greg, Nathaniel, Momma...GOD
  • What: Conversation, communication, connection, guidance
  • When: Any Time...I love to hear from people and about them all the time
  • Where: Just about anywhere is good for a conversation: kitchen, laundry room, car, bathtub, store, even in the movies but don’t tell the kids...they hate when I text there
  • How: In person, phone, texting, email, facebook, twitter...PRAYING 
  • Why: For connection, for information, for help in tough situations, to vent, to laugh, to learn, to grow and be challenged, to love more and deeper.
I plan to share on my blog a bit of each of the days and the prompts that I am writing about. My hope is that through these 31 days I'll catch the blogging bug and make that a part of my new normal life...

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